"Posture & Perspective"
to analyze and improve posture and movements

Learn to master movement analysis and posture through training based on a scientific and practical approach. Whether you have a STAPS license, a BPJEPS, or are looking for expertise, my training courses give you the keys to perfect your support

Training to refine your expertise

My thematic training courses are designed to fit your needs and schedule. Choose between short or full sessions to deepen your skills and leave with tools that can be directly applied in the field.

Short training :

"The coach's eye"

Learn how to analyze key movements (like squats, SDTs, etc.) and identify postural imbalances to better support your clients. In just two days, leave with a clear methodology and a superficial but essential technical understanding.

Program :
Day 1 morning : Theory on the squat and other fundamental movements, with a contribution in functional anatomy + practice.
Day 1 afternoon : Review and reinforcement of the "coach's eye", introduction to the postural method.
Day 2 morning : In-depth posture training with practical cases.
Day 2 afternoon : Postural study + reinforcement of the elements covered during the 2 days.

Long Training :
"Improving the coach's eye"

In four days (two weekends), deepen your mastery of postural analysis and functional movements. Discover the remedies to improve posture and integrate it into your sessions. We will develop outdoor training tools more oriented towards functional exercises to understand how to optimize prophylaxis (stairs, running, etc.).

Program :
Day 1 and 2 : "Eye of the Coach" training.
Day 3 morning : Advanced methods to correct posture, introduction to remediations.
Day 3 afternoon : Application of remediations with real cases.
Day 4 morning : Analysis of functional movements outdoors.
Day 4 afternoon : Practical workshops and optimization of training for prophylactic purposes.


Practical and scientific expertise at your service

With over 20 years of experience in the field, my training courses combine a rigorous scientific approach with directly applicable tools. Each session is designed to meet the specific needs of sports coaches, based on real cases and effective methodologies.


Highlights :
-> Interactive sessions based on real cases. 
-> Progressive learning for optimal assimilation. 
-> Personalized support, even after the training.

Discover other thematic training courses

In addition to our training courses on postural analysis and movements, I offer you thematic modules adapted to your specific needs. These training courses allow you to broaden your skills and bring more value to your clients.

Weightlifting seminar, offering technical instructions to optimize movements and physical preparation


During this seminar, Jeremy will be able to provide you with technical instructions regarding weightlifting movements. Clear, precise explanations in order to learn and optimize the movements. It will be important to understand the mechanisms, the semi-techniques to make the important link with your physical preparation. In this training, you will have the opportunity to refine your eye in order to determine the best possible gestures.


Weightlifting is a way to develop many physical qualities so it would be a shame to deprive yourself of it!


This seminar will allow you to know the sometimes complex workings of the development of max force, power, speed, aerobics, etc...
When to install a macro, meso or micro cycle in order to be as relevant as possible to the practitioner in front of you?
This seminar will aim to help you evaluate your athlete and build confidence through their training program and the results obtained.

Training planning seminar, covering strength development and training cycle management
Seminar on prophylaxis, teaching training methods to avoid injuries in athletes


This seminar will allow you to understand the concept of training to avoid injury. We will take the time to address the context of injury and how to train athletes intelligently.

Prophylaxis is a very important part of the athlete's career to avoid sudden stops in activity.

This seminar will allow you to have a range of exercises to maximize and avoid any risk of injury.


This seminar will allow you to know and/or deepen your physiological knowledge of environmental stress and to know the key points of altitude training.
In a first seminar, we will discuss the approach to hypoxia training, understanding it and the risks associated with this method.
In a second seminar, we will discuss the different techniques and monitoring methods.

Seminar on hypoxia training, exploring the key points and risks associated with this method
Seminar on re-athleticization, aimed at optimizing training and preventing pain in athletes


This seminar will allow you to bring skills concerning the ability to analyze a human body and to remedy the different problems that you may encounter during training with your athletes or even for yourself. The objective is to set up work around the discomfort or pain in order to make it disappear and that this gain lasts throughout the athlete's career or yours. Optimize your training by avoiding mechanical glitches that can make you lose considerable time.


This seminar will allow you to obtain new skills concerning the ability to analyze a human body. It will not only be a question of understanding but also of remedying the different problems that you may encounter during training with your athletes.
The objective is to set up work around the discomfort or pain of the practitioner in order to make it disappear.

Optimize your training by avoiding mechanical glitches that can make you lose considerable and precious time.

Seminar on posturology, learning how to analyze and correct posture problems in athletes


With recognized experience and collaborations with prestigious institutions, I have trained sports professionals using proven methods. Here is what they say about it :


FFS internal framework training, focused on reabilitation and optimization of athletic performance

FFS Executive Training
Hello Jeremy,
Already a big thank you for your XXL intervention yesterday!
We were really able to appreciate and discuss your feedback which really turned into expertise in Réhab ! Congrats !

Positive feedback from trainees on Jérémy's training interventions, highlighting his professionalism and passion

INSEP Training
"The trainees really appreciated both the theoretical courses and the practical work. Following the various training courses carried out over the past few years, I have only had good feedback on your interventions.
A very practical approach in the field and answers to trainees' questions always adapted to the sometimes heterogeneous level of the students.
Thank you for your professionalism, YOUR PASSION and your good humor."

ENSA, congratulating Jérémy for the content of his courses and his positive training evaluations


DE Ski Alpine Training 2019
"Hi Jeremy,
Below you will find an evaluation of the trainees concerning your intervention at the DE Ski Training. Rating: 4.8/5
"Top contribution, linking the different muscle chains in the explanation of injuries, interesting discussions and contributions on technique, really good and above all concrete"


DE Ski Alpine Training 2021
"Hi Jeremy,
Below you will find the feedback from the trainees concerning your intervention during the DE Training.
Thanks again for the quality of your intervention and see you next time.
Rating: 4.3/5
Good, Useful and rich work and comprehension exercises in parallel with the energy sectors, Very interesting but the re-athletics could have been judicious in a second phase, perhaps give more precision on the slides feedback of an athlete on skis after a re-athletics phase, knows how to create an atmosphere in the course, structured courses with good teaching, very good part in the room, very lively, interesting approach, interesting and clear. Advantage of direct practical application. »

On the Participants' Side

Participants' testimonials

Julie M.

+33 445 456 23

“Thanks to this training, I completely revised my way of evaluating my clients.”

Kevin T.

+33 445 456 23

“The scientific and practical approach makes each concept easy to apply in the field.”

Mathieu S.

+33 445 456 23

"The practical sessions in the classroom are really well conducted and interesting. A great way to lead the sessions."

Manon P.

+33 445 456 23

"I loved the "Coach's Eye" training! We were able to see principles that I was not aware of and I now use these techniques with my clients. The best!"


Nicolas Doddi, 2009 BodyFitness World Champion, during his BPJEPS training

Nicolas DODDI

Support for BPJEPS training and tutor for Nicolas Doddi (2009 BodyFitness World Champion)

Florence Baillet, French Weightlifting Champion, participating in her BPJEPS training

Florence BAILLET

Support for BPJEPS training and tutor for Florence Baillet (French Weightlifting Champion)

Training on jump mechanics and biomechanics, for the Federal Freestyle Monitor

Federal Monitor Diploma 2

Trainer in the framework of the Federal Freestyle Monitor
Topics covered : theory on the mechanics of jumps, notions of biomechanics, acrobatic trampoline training

DEJEPS Alpine Ski training, covering re-athleticization and weightlifting for coaches

DEJEPS training
Alpine Skiing

Topics covered: Prophylaxis, Planning, re-athleticization, Weightlifting from beginner to use in physical preparation

Training for FFS Executives, including prophylaxis and development of strength in skiing

FFS Executive Training

Topics covered: Prophylaxis, Planning, re-athleticization, Weightlifting from beginner to use in physical preparation, development of Strength

INSEP physical preparation module, covering training load management and re-athleticization

INSEP Training

Trainer in one of the modules of H2P2 (INSEP physical preparation diploma) and CCS Re-Athletics INSEP
Topics covered : Prophylaxis, Re-Athletics, Weightlifting, Planning and management of training load

Join these trainings and
develop your skills

Whatever your level or goals, these thematic trainings offer you concrete and effective tools to excel as a coach.

Contact me today to plan your next session !