Innovation from the field is the engine of constant progress in all areas. By observing, listening and reflecting directly on the ground, ideas emerge naturally, shaped by the concrete challenges encountered.
This is where creativity meets reality, generating practical and innovative solutions. This approach, anchored by experience and expertise, makes it possible to anticipate needs, identify opportunities and create appropriate responses. It embodies collaboration between experts and practitioners, combining progress in the service of efficiency and continuous improvement.
My biggest innovation is HS2. For the record, the name comes from HamString Hors Service: HSHS = HS2.
This device is developed in Pallini's premises, a 100% MADE IN FRANCE machine. For other innovations, you will have a brief description in the various areas investigated.
Patented in 2019, the particularity and innovation of this device lies in the movement of the trolley to under the footrest. By having the feet fixed, the latter allows the TOTAL work of these muscles in all ranges of the knee. The work can be progressive in intensity as well as in angular variation. The strengthening in Concentric, Eccentric or Isometric can be modulated as well as the support of the different muscle heads by the tibial rotation under the femur. The work can be done with both feet or with one foot. It is possible to support the athlete in the concentric phase or to accentuate the eccentric work by accelerating the speed of the cart in its return stroke.
It will allow an effective and rapid return of the ischios taken during ACL operations with the so-called DIDT method or in the prophylaxis of ischios in pivot sports or even in high kinetic sports such as athletics.
In order to add comfort of use and more intense use, the backrest and the footrest are tiltable. This machine is one of the best tools for strengthening, progression or prophylaxis purposes.
It will find its place in your gym and will easily replace classic machines such as the leg curl or on the bench lying on your stomach. This device promises better results than the Nordic Hamstrings method.
Tested on high-level athletes, they felt the effects quickly. As proof, you will find below a small study showing the effectiveness of this machine. I tested the effects of HS2 on a high-level injured public. I carried out an isokinetic test pre and post strengthening of the Ischios exclusively in concentric contraction. But let's take a closer look...
This first image shows a comparison between two isokinetic tests in Concentric at 60°/s. This is a 23-year-old male high-level athlete with patellar syndrome.
4 reinforcement sessions separate these 2 evaluations in the space of 11 days. We can note a very clear improvement in the recruitment of the Ischios in the middle and internal races.
The images on the left (Concentric evaluation at 60°/s) and on the right (Eccentric evaluation at 90°/s) are the results of another athlete. Female athlete operated on for an ACL in DIDT. The test presented above was carried out 4 1/2 months postoperatively. We can see a very clear improvement in the curves on the second Concentric test in the middle and internal stroke but also the disappearance of motor inhibitions. On the images on the right in Eccentric, we can see a lack of recruitment in Test 1 then a very clear improvement in test 2. In the space of 11 days, we recorded an improvement of around 20% on the ischios removed in the 2 cases above. Note that the strengthening was then ONLY focused on a concentric contraction...
In 2014, INSEP created a working group to develop re-athletics support software. Many colleagues got involved in the adventure such as Christophe KELLER, Eric COURVOISIER, Pascal ROUSSIN, Cécile SAVIN, Etienne ELLIN, Anne-Laure MORIGNY and myself, under the direction of Norbert KRANTZ.
The software was recently released and can be used by structures such as CREPS and Olympic Sports Federations.
Following research conducted at the National Ski and Snowboard Center, I developed a new innovative approach to enable acclimatization to altitude that is more effective and efficient than traditional acclimatization. We worked with the Altitrainer machine connected to a mask and a nitrogen bottle. We simulated an altitude of 3500m and we carried out work based on the FR (Respiratory Frequency). The latter increases hypercapnia and causes respiratory and metabolic acidosis. The lactatemia index recorded was of the order of 6 mmol while the effort is targeted at Ventilatory Threshold 1 – 30%, i.e. a Heart Rate of 110bpm...
This is a different method than that proposed by Dr Woorons or that of hypoventilation caused by a mask. Physiological adaptations are really felt following this form of work. The following ? Maybe in a scientific article, who knows?
Development during work on my Master 2 thesis of an isokinetic test focused on prophylaxis in mogul skiing. Indeed, when we analyze the activity, we realize that the mechanics and the speeds are demanding and not necessarily tested in the best way. So, depending on the angulations, speeds and activities, I deduced and proposed a test which was validated for the Master 2 jury.
Where did he leave from? We see that right away...
The starting point for this development comes from the observation and analysis of the activity.
Let's take an international male athlete and observe his movement... It's about knowing the movement between the bottom of the first bump then the top and from the top to the bottom of the next bump. On the left image and following the following anatomical points: Coxo-femoral / Center tibial plateau / External malleolus, we find a value of 131° of knee flexion compared to 87° on the right image. We then find a movement of 44° when raising the knees; however, the extension of the knees must be taken into account until the next point of impact.
At the same time, we recorded a sequence of 15 bumps completed in 5.1 seconds.
The angular speed of crossing a bump by this athlete is therefore 258°/s.
In this isokinetic test, we also took into account the prophylactic aspect with the IJ/Q ratio at 60°/s then carried out a verification of the mixed ratios.
Where does this method come from?
Reading a number of books on the subject, I embraced centralization and reflection. The centralization of key information on the mechanics of the human body as well as muscular insertions and trajectories. This centralization has been long and laborious since many methods have been developed and all offer a clear vision of a single process. I constructed an evaluation model by drawing one piece of information here, another there and then connecting each of the pieces of information in the direction in which I wanted to go.
8 years later, I have developed a method that works. This method starts from the mechanical analysis of the pelvis to deduce the work to be carried out on the rest of the body. Indeed, the assessment once drawn up gives very precise information on the organization of the skeleton, the remediation of the various imbalances consists of precise work on the stays. Some will say that playing on the muscular aspect does not work and is not a sustainable method. People who have used this method will tell you otherwise. Some of them who could no longer run or ski at low angles can now!
The mind has no limits, the only obstacle to development is you !