On this page you'll find all the training courses I've taken part in, as well as proposals for themed seminars, which will be organized on a limited basis. You can count on the professionalism of a quality speaker, passionate and always willing to share. The idea is to help you understand things that are more or less complex, and to untangle the knots so that your interventions with athletes or patients are all the better for it. With my experience in the field, you're sure to find the target and a link with the theory.
Accompanying and tutoring Nicolas Doddi
(2009 BodyFitness World Champion) in his BPJEPS training.
Accompanying and tutoring Florence Baillet
(French Weightlifting Champion)
Trainer for the Monitorat Fédéral Freestyle diploma
Topics covered: theory of jump mechanics, notions of biomechanics, acrobatic trampoline training
Trainer in the physical preparation cycle of the DE Alpine Skiing diploma
Topics covered: Prophylaxis, Planning, Re-athletization, Weightlifting from beginner to use in physical preparation
Formation de Cadres Fédéraux FFS
Topics covered: Prophylaxis, Planning, Re-athletization, Weightlifting from beginner to use in physical preparation, Strength development
Trainer in one of the H2P2 (INSEP physical preparation diploma) and CCS Re-Athletisation INSEP modules.
Topics covered: Prophylaxis, Re-Athletisation, Weightlifting, Planning and management of training load
Formation Cadres Fédéraux
Hello Jérémy ,
Thank you so much for your XXL presentation yesterday !
We were really able to appreciate and discuss your feedback, which has really turned into Rehab expertise ! Well done !
INSEP training courses
"The trainees really appreciated both the theory and the practical sessions. Following the various training courses we've run over the last few years, I've had nothing but good feedback from your work.
A very practical approach in the field and answers to the trainees' questions always adapted to the sometimes heterogeneous level of the students.
Thank you for your professionalism, your PASSION and your good humor."
DE SKi Alpin Training 2019
"Hi Jeremy,
You will find below an evaluation of the trainees concerning your intervention in the DE Entrainement ski. Note : 4,8/5
"Top-notch contribution, linking the different muscle chains in the explanation of injuries, interesting exchanges and contributions on technique, really good and above all concrete."
DE Alpine Ski Training 2021
"Hi Jérémy,
You will find below the feedback of the trainees concerning your intervention during the DE Entrainement. Thanks again for the quality of your intervention and see you next time.
Score: 4.3/5
Good, useful and rich work and comprehension exercises in parallel with the energy channels, very interesting but reathletics could have been judicious in a second phase, perhaps give more precision on the slide return of an athlete on skis after a phase of reathletics, knows how to put an atmosphere in the course, structured course with good pedagogy, very good part in room, very lively, interesting approach, interesting and clear. Advantage of direct practice."
Training planning
Develop strength, power, speed, aerobic capacity and VO2max using different training levers and priorities.
Explaining and developing the concept of training to avoid injury. Understanding the context of injury, training athletes intelligently and safely to enhance their qualities throughout their career, and make it as long as possible. The aim will be to add a complementary approach to your training
Multi-level hypoxia training
Gain a deeper understanding of the physiology of environmental stress and the key points of altitude training. Approach to hypoxia training. Of course, you'll also need to be familiar with the monitoring tools you'll need to use.
Jérémy will provide you with technical instructions for weightlifting movements. Clear, precise explanations will help you learn and optimize your movements. It's important to understand the mechanisms and semi-techniques to make the important link with your physical preparation. In this training, you'll have the opportunity to hone your eye for the best possible movements. Weightlifting is a great way of developing many physical qualities, so it would be a shame to miss out !
Add to your skills the ability to analyze the human body and remedy the various problems you may encounter during training sessions with your athletes or even for yourself. The aim is to work around the discomfort or pain in order to make it disappear, so that the gain lasts throughout the athlete's career or yours. Optimize your training by avoiding mechanical glitches that can cost you considerable time.
Re-Athletization (Rehab)
Understand the approach to injury and the medical and paramedical procedures to be applied to the injured athlete. How do you plan and rehabilitate an athlete following physiotherapy treatment ? What are the observables and what should we be aiming for ? How can we manage the psychological aspect of the athlete ? What posture should I adopt ? Jérémy's experience and expertise in the field will provide the answers to all these questions !
Trust our expertise for your training projects !